Summer Showcase
28th June 2016 at 7.45
Tickets can be booked via the Stratford Circus Arts Ticket Office online or by telephone on: 020 8279 1080
The evening will feature a blend of classical and contemporary works with choreography to highlight the versatility and expressivity of Rambert School performers. Mark Baldwin, Artistic
Director of Rambert has been working with students to bring to life Haydn’s masterpiece The Creation. We will present an excerpt of the production to be shown at Garsington Opera this July.
Kerry Nicholls and long-time musical collaborator David Walters have been working with final year students to create an original piece The Absence of Light. We are also delighted to present an
excerpt from Robert Cohan’s inspirational piece Songs, Lamentations and Praises. Finally, as always in Rambert School’s performances, and often representing the cutting edge of contemporary
choreography, there will be original student works.