• Ond dancer balances the other in a lift

Join us for an unforgettable evening featuring a conversation with Lady Anya Sainsbury CBE, Christopher Bruce CBE, and Amanda Britton, and hosted by Luke Jennings.

Rambert School is delighted to welcome our Patrons, Lady Anya Sainsbury and Christopher Bruce to join our Chief Executive, Principal and Artistic Director, Amanda Britton, for an insightful conversation about their remarkable careers in dance

With careers spanning several decades, they will share their inspiring personal journeys within the dance world and discuss how their careers shaped their lives both personally and professionally. They will also explore their deep-rooted relationship with the history of Rambert.

The evening will be hosted by Luke Jennings (Killing Eve), former dance critic and Rambert School alumnus who will also bring his own perspective on the world of dance and Rambert.

Given the nickname ‘Quicksilver’* to reflect her boundless energy and curious mind, Marie Rambert was an alchemist of choreography who nurtured some of the greatest names in dance. Rambert School is proud to present this evening in her honour to fundraise for the next generation of dance pioneers.

*Quicksilver is also the title of Marie Rambert’s acclaimed autobiography.

Venue details
Anya Linden Studio Theatre
Rambert School

£120 ticket price includes:
Drinks and canapes on arrival
Panel conversation followed by Q&A
Performances by Rambert School students
Post show reception


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