Hara KyriaziMA Dance Research for Professional Practitioners Graduate

Hara is a dance teacher/dancer form Greece, based in Oxford UK. She graduated in 2012 from Niki’s Kontaxaki – Nikoletta’s Bakali Higher Professional Dance School in Athens and in 2014 from the National and Kapodistrian  University of Athens with a Major in Archaeology and History of Art. Since 2012 she has been teaching professionally in Athens, Cardiff and Oxford. Currently, she is a freelance dance teacher in Oxford while performing with Thomas Page Dance (TPD) professional dance company. Through her research Hara will examine how maternity affects performing, physically and psychologically, and what is the relation with art histories.

‘After becoming a mother, I wanted to dive deeply into the question of how different I am as a performer. What has changed with my new identity while performing. Am I different? Also, what is the correlation with art history. How an artist interprets/depicts the body of pre and post motherhood.’

Image by Nick Guttridge


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